
I have known Mr. Daron Brown in a professional capacity for over 15 years. Mr. Brown is intelligent, a good listener, encourager, motivated, and motivating. He possesses various leadership skills and he is dedicated. Years ago, I worked under his direct and indirect supervision. During those years, he played an important role in my professional development and he saw my potential as well as encouraged me to take on more challenging roles. I have learned from him many skills that complemented my education and helped me be successful and I definitely recommend him.
Fouad Harb, MPA

It is with pleasure that I take this opportunity to submit comments regarding Mr. Daron Brown.
I have known Mr. Brown for more than 13 years. In my former capacity as a Human Resources Director, Mr. Brown and I worked closely on numerous projects.
He is a hard working man of integrity who works tirelessly to fulfill his job responsibilities.

Mr. Brown is loyal, conscientious, dedicated, compassionate, and always willing to lend a helping hand whenever an opportunity presents itself.

He is a team builder, a team player, a leader, and he demonstrates exemplary character traits and interpersonal skills.

It has been a privilege and a blessing to know him and it is my firm belief that he will be successful at whatever assignment he is given.


In my years serving with and for Dr. Daron Brown
I have found that he is a man of dedication, attentiveness towards those around him and a man who prides himself in being a “Servant leader”.
Dr. Daron Brown is man who is rooted and grounded in the word of God and has dedicated himself in fulfilling God’s plan for his life in helping others.
Joseph w. Reed

Deacon/Elder, Glen Oaks Community B.C.

I have known and worked with Daron Brown for over ten years.
I have witnessed and worked with him in several leadership positions. He has proven himself to be trustworthy, honest, personable and straight forward. He is committed to any cause he believes in and will
work tirelessly to meet the needs of individuals.
Therefore, I highly recommend that you consider Daron Brown for spiritual as well as other areas of counseling.
Denise C., Ed.S

Congratulations to my fellow Laborer of God’s Kingdom! Since we met over 10 years ago again your dreams are propelling you to another level. Your hard work and dedication has always been engines that has driven you towards success

Faith and Passion for whatever you do will always guide you beyond any and every obstacle that you will face. I have observed your compassion and kindness as you never missed the opportunity to help others succeed as well.

I believe that your Vision and Dreams will continue to guide you. Much peace and strength as you move forward. Be Strong, Faithful, and Vigilant. We will keep you in our prayers.

Bishop Sam Bultler, Jr.

  •  These are the words that immediately come to mind to describe Daron Brown.
  •  I have known Daron for over 13 years and met him while he was Director of a juvenile facility and I served as Education Director. His leadership style allowed for meaningful collaboration and problem solving for the benefit of all involved. He listened carefully before offering any advice or thoughts. The most impressive quality that stood out about Daron is his ability to lead by example. He always reminded me and others to “INSPECT what you EXPECT”, as a leader. This quality was exemplified daily under Daron’s leadership.
  •  It is without hesitation or reluctance that I consider Daron Brown to be a born leader and effective team builder that has crossed lines of race, gender, and disability.
Kim Mims

I would refer Daron P. Brown because he is a compassionate individual who has inspired me throughout my career. I met Daron when he worked in corrections. I had the opportunity to work under his supervision. Daron assisted me by providing me with valuable information that I applied to my daily work task. He guided and groomed me into becoming a knowledgeable employee who could be depended upon. Daron would often speak on the qualities of a good leader. He was a great supervisor as he trained me on several task that I did not think I was capable of performing.

The information I received from Daron has helped me to advance in my career, as I applied the information received from him to my day-to-day work. Whenever I am seeking advice, I reach out to Daron as I know he will provide information that will help. Since receiving mentoring from Daron, I have been fortunate enough to utilize my skill set within multiple areas of the department that I work for. He inspires, motivates, encourages, and most of all he cares about others.

If asked would I refer Daron P. Brown to provide therapeutic services, my answer, “Yes!”

DeLise M. Holliday

I would definitely recommend Mr. Brown for counseling. He has done the work and put in the work from his previous years of
working in leadership and administrative roles in corrections. He always has an encouraging word to uplift and a listening ear. I’ve known him
all my life and I am ecstatic and can’t wait to see where this chapter of his life takes him! Trustworthy, equitable, and diligent are just a few
words to describe his character. I am honored to call him a friend and know that the best is yet to come.

Yolanda Scales, BSN, RN

Dr. Daron Brown is a man of great pride and integrity with an exceptional work ethic. He is very honest and tenacious in everything he does and after meeting him 29 years ago, I can honestly say he is a great person and I would recommend him graciously.

Donette Morrison

Daron Brown has lived the life, and now has the credentials to stand as a testament to the way God’s people help each other and do His work. Mr. Brown is an honorable man with great integrity, an anointed vessel of God. 

I personally and highly recommend Daron Brown as a family counselor.

Assistant Pastor Ronnie B. Knox<br /> The Marriage Ministry of The Ministry of Love Church